Selamat Datang di Website INTRANUSA MANDIRI - Industrial Knives Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61256 - Call HP 0851 0153 8338 atau Chat WhatsApp 0896 1333 3113
#htmlcaption1 Pisau Pelet Plastik (Pisau Nanas) - Material Full Steels, Plastic Cutting Knife - Material HSS Pisau Perforasi Kemas Renteng & Cut uncut-Material Full Steels,, Sealer - Material HSS Pisau Cacah Tanaman Basah, Pisau Mixer/Blender & Crusher Plastik - 
 Material SKD-11 #htmlcaption2 Welding Roller - Material Cucr, Reil Soudronic & Automatic Z-bar - Material SKD-11 />
Showing posts with label food grade steels knife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food grade steels knife. Show all posts

Pisau Industri - Pisau blender - Pisau Mixer - Pisau Giling Makanan - Pisau Cacah Bumbu,

pisau blender, pissu pencacah, food grade steels  02
Material : Food Grade Steels (baja spesial dengan kandunga Cr tinggi)
